Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Physical Activity Tips

Physical activity is a large part of maintaining an overall healthy lifestyle. We have compiled a list of physical activity tips to help you get active and stay active. An active lifestyle should consist of at least 30 minutes of moderate activity most days of the week. It is important to choose physical activities that you enjoy, and it is always worth trying something new.

  • If you don't have time for 30 minutes of activity at once, or if 30 minutes of continuous activity is too much for you, try breaking it up into three ten minute sessions of activity. Exercise should be continuous for at least a 10 minute period of time. 
  • Ask your friends to join you for a walk, or you can even create a walking group and commit to a weekly time to help develop a group commitment. Your friends will probably thank you for it, everyone needs encouragement at times. 
  • Walk up the stairs instead of taking the elevator or escalator. 
  • Park you car at the far end of the parking lot and walk the extra distance. 
  • Get off the bus or metro a few stops early to squeeze in a brisk walk. 
  • Get your whole family involved in physical group activities. Its always fun to kick a soccer ball around and stretch out your legs. 
  • Why not try doing a few stretches and simple exercises like push-ups and sit-ups while watching television. 
  • Try something new. Yoga, pilates, dance classes and martial arts are a great way to stay active and have fun. 
  • Swimming is a great exercise for your entire body. 
  • If you are a golfer walk the course instead of using the golf cart. 
  • Tennis and racket ball are fun sports that require a lot of movement. Kids and adults can enjoy these sports. 
  • Use free weights to strengthen your arms. Even smaller 3 or 5 pound weights are a great way to get stength in your arms. Try lifting weights while you watch television. 
  • Take a hike with friends. If you don't have any local hiking trails try exploring new neighborhoods or cities that are close by. 
  • Don't forget to have fun!

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