Wednesday, 10 April 2013

reduce menstrual pain

Ways to reduce menstrual pain

 - Use a heating pad on your abdomen and back which will provide a soothing effect and also reduce the pain to some extent. 
 - Avoid oily food, meat, caffeine at all costs during the menstrual cycle. 
 - Banana is known to reduce the cramp sensation. So make sure you eat one. 
 - Boil three spoons of coriander seeds in water. Filter and have the decoction. This will help lessen the bleeding.
 - There are some who crave for food during their menstrual cycle. So even while you binge on all your favourite foods, avoid junk food.
 - Make walking everyday a habit, this would improve blood circulation and ensure less pain during the periods. 
 - There are certain asanas in Yoga specifically to reduce the menstrual pain. Do those asanas but strictly under supervision. The following asanas are known to reduce menstrual discomfort, but do consult a yoga expert before you do it: 
 1. Svastikasana 2. Virasana 3. Padmasana 4. Gomukhasana 5. Paschimothansana 6. Baddha-konaasana  

- Poses like Sirshasana, Viparita Karani and Sarvangasana must never be performed during the menstrual period 
 - If you are weak and have a tendency to tire soon during your menstrual cycle, do not run around or engage in activities that need too much exertion.

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